Author Archives: Save the Redwoods League

Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has protected and restored redwood forests and connected people with their peace and beauty so these wonders of the natural world flourish.

firefighter in sequoia grove

Preliminary Toll from Sierra Wildfires Confirm That Treasured Giant Sequoia Face an Existential Threat


According to data compiled by the Giant Sequoia Coalition, 28 giant sequoia groves experienced fire from the 2021 KNP Complex and Windy fires, and these fires killed up to 5% of world’s giant sequoia that are at least four feet in diameter. When combined with estimates that as much as 14% of the world’s monarchs were killed in the 2020 Castle Fire, the numbers paint a grim future for these natural treasures unless immediate action is taken.

Your first redwoods experience

Your first redwoods experience


Everyone who has ever walked among the coast redwoods and giant sequoia remembers the first time they saw these incredible forests.

Visitor Center building burned to the ground after the fire

One month last summer: wildfires in the redwoods


Even though so much has been written about the fires of 2020—particularly in this space —it is still hard to remember clearly what it was like to live in California during that time. Part of this is because so much has …

Podcast: I’ll Go If You Go

Hear Here


Save the Redwoods League launched an outreach program in 2019 to cultivate meaningful and reciprocal relationships with communities that have historically been marginalized or underrepresented in the redwoods.

dog on a trail wearing red and black plaid jacket.

Doggone Good Times


Many California coast redwood and giant sequoia parks allow dogs for hiking, camping, picnicking, and frolicking on the beach, as detailed in our new free e-guide, 29 Awesome Dog-Friendly Redwood Parks. See how every dog can have her day at some of these enchanting parks.