7 Ways to Get Involved with the League on Earth Day

Earth Day is coming up on April 22, and with it, a worldwide celebration in honor of our planet’s natural wonders, along with a chance to renew our commitment to leaving this world better than we found it.

Here are seven ways to celebrate our remarkable redwood forests on Earth Day, join in on the League’s 100th birthday festivities and honor these majestic giants during the Year of the Redwoods!

Photo by Ken Susman
Photo by Ken Susman

1. Join Us at Our Redwoods-Themed Earth Day Festival on April 21 in San Francisco

The festival, themed “Stand for the Redwoods, Stand for the Future” in honor of the League’s 100th year, is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the most remarkable, climate change-fighting forests on Earth!

Come meet us for fun and fascinating interactive talks when you can learn about the secrets of the redwood forest, amazing spots to visit, conservation victories, and what you can do to help protect the world’s tallest trees. Plus, you can bring your questions about redwoods to our team of experts, and learn about first-ever State of the Redwoods Conservation Report and Centennial Vision for Redwoods Conservation. This first-ever report on redwoods conservation provides a comprehensive and contemporary look at the health of the coast redwood and giant sequoia forests, and it is the basis for our vision of protecting the redwoods in the 21st century. Meet us for the talks in our Redwoods Canopy Speakers’ Tent from 2 to 3:30. Can’t attend? Follow us on Twitter for live coverage.

Join us at the Earth Day festival.

Donate today!

2. Donate to Save the Redwoods League

Even after 100 years, the League remains steadfast in its dedication to protect the coast redwood and giant sequoia forests, safeguarding the last remaining fragments of these ancient wonders and restoring cutover lands to their former glory, all while connecting people to their peace and beauty. The generosity of our donors helped us save more than 200,000 acres of redwoods, create 66 parks and reserves, and inspire a national conservation movement that raised awareness for the beauty and power of nature.

Every gift to the League helps us save these magnificent forests. Help us hit our goal of welcoming 100 new monthly donors. Extra bonus: A $100 match will be added when you join! Please donate today.

Photo by Paolo Vescia
Photo by Paolo Vescia

3. Learn More about Proposition 68, The Clean Water and Safe Parks Act, and Take Action Today!

Calling all California voters! This June, you will have an opportunity to make a transformational investment in our redwood forests, parks, and our state’s water resources. If approved by voters on June 5, Proposition 68, the Clean Water and Safe Parks act, will provide $4.1 billion that will enable the League to invest further in protecting redwood forests, caring for our existing redwood parks while improving access to them, and restoring forests so that they capture and store more carbon and improve water resources. Learn more about Prop. 68 and how you can take action starting today.

Photo by Annie Burke
Photo by Annie Burke

4. Help the K-5 Kids in Your Life Enter Our Reading the Redwoods Contest

Explore the magic of the redwoods forests March 10 to May 10 through the League’s free, online reading contest for K-5 students, Reading the Redwoods. Everyone who signs up will be entered to win weekly prize packages, including books from bestselling children’s authors. And those who finish all of the reading activities, will be entered to win a trip to see the tallest trees in the world — up close! Explore our recommended reading list and enter to win the contest today.

Photo: James A. Lawrence [#8280]. Save the Redwoods League photograph collection. Courtesy of The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Photo: James A. Lawrence [#8280]. Courtesy of The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley

5. Explore the First 100 Years of Save the Redwoods League

Beginning Earth Day weekend, you can tour our new exhibit on the UC, Berkeley campus that chronicles the first century of our work to protect California’s ancient coast redwood and giant sequoia forests. The exhibit called, Sustaining Grandeur: The First 100 Years of Save the Redwoods League was jointly organized by the League and The Bancroft Library.

The exhibit will be on view at the Bancroft Gallery from April 20 through August 31, 2018. The gallery is open to the public Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free.

Photo by Brian Baer
Photo by Brian Baer

6. Get Your Pass to Free Second Saturdays at California Redwood State Parks

Join us out in the forests throughout the year to experience California’s spectacular redwood state parks for the first time or rekindle your love for them. Save the Redwoods League and California State Parks are hosting Free Second Saturdays at California Redwood State Parks throughout 2018. On the second Saturday of each month, more than 40 redwood state parks will offer free day-use admission to all who reserve a pass on FreeRedwoodsDays.org.

Free passes for Saturday, May 12 are available now. Sign up for our mailing list to receive notifications for when future Free Redwoods Days passes become available.

Photo by Mike Kahn
Photo by Mike Kahn

7. Tell Us Why You #Stand4Redwoods on Social Media

Show your love of the redwoods on Earth Day by sharing why you #Stand4Redwoods and your dreams for the forests’ future on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

About the author

Now the CEO of Mother's Milk Bank San Jose, Jennifer joined Save the Redwoods League in 2007 as the Director of Outreach and served for 15 years as the League's Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. A Bay Area native, Jennifer led marketing communications and outreach efforts to connect people to the peace and beauty of the redwood forests. Jennifer brought several years of journalism, marketing communications and media relations experience in the public and private sectors to her work, helping to grow the League into the organization that it is today.

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