Train Station Takeover Raises Awareness for Redwoods

Walk through San Francisco's Montgomery Train Station between now and October 15 to experience the redwood forest.
Walk through San Francisco’s Montgomery Train Station between now and October 15 to experience the redwood forest.
Save the Redwoods League is bringing the beauty of the redwood forest to thousands of commuters at San Francisco’s Montgomery Street train station through October 15, 2018. For this limited time, images of the coast redwood forest cover the walls, floor, and ceiling of a 180-foot tunnel on the fare-gate level. You can reach the tunnel on Sansome Street just north of Sutter Street in the Financial District. Find on Map

The tunnel takeover is part of the League’s 100th anniversary celebration to raise awareness of redwoods and how the public can celebrate these forests during our Centennial Celebration Week, in particular our free Stand for the Redwoods Festival in San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Gardens on Sunday, October 14, 2018.

The temporary tunnel artwork features the photography of Max Forster, Paolo Vescia, Jim Campbell-Spickler, and Will Goldenberg. The floor designs were created using 300 different photographs of native plants and animals, stitched together in one photomosaic by Robert Van Pelt.

The following is a list of all of the plants and animals in the tunnel’s new artwork. Can you find them all?


  • Two Pacific giant salamanders
  • Two rough-skinned newts
  • One wandering salamander
  • One Pacific tree frog
  • Seven banana slugs
  • Five yellow-spotted millipedes
  • Two tiger swallowtail butterflies
  • One callippe fritillary
  • One Luna moth
  • Two woodland ground beetles



  • Coast redwood
  • Cascara
  • Tanoak


  • Redwood sorrel
  • Western wild ginger
  • Redwood violet
  • False azalea
  • Salal
  • Inside-out flower

  • Western swordfern
  • Maidenhair fern
  • Spreading wood fern
  • Deer fern


  • Western trillium
  • False lily of the valley
  • Hooker’s fairy bells
  • Giant wakerobin

Celebrate California’s incredible coast redwood and giant sequoia forests with Save the Redwoods League and our partners all October.
Learn more about our Centennial events.

About the author

Now the CEO of Mother's Milk Bank San Jose, Jennifer joined Save the Redwoods League in 2007 as the Director of Outreach and served for 15 years as the League's Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. A Bay Area native, Jennifer led marketing communications and outreach efforts to connect people to the peace and beauty of the redwood forests. Jennifer brought several years of journalism, marketing communications and media relations experience in the public and private sectors to her work, helping to grow the League into the organization that it is today.

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5 Responses to “Train Station Takeover Raises Awareness for Redwoods”

  1. Catherine Oliver

    A friend just shared this on FB. I wish it were a “forever” thing. It’s glorious. Thanks.

    • Save the Redwoods League

      Thanks Catherine for the comment. We wish it was forever too!

  2. Fareed Ansari

    Get real, Save the People “living” in Montgomery Station, then get back to me.

  3. Russell Ferretti-Hoyle

    This is wonderful! I’m going to plan a trip to the City just to check it out.

    • Save the Redwoods League

      Thanks for the comment Russell! If you make a trip out to see it, be sure to try and spot the hidden plants and animals. You can post what you find on social media with the hashtag #Stand4Redwoods!


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