My Top Three Redwood Stocking Stuffers!

coast redwood germination kitStill looking for redwood-themed stocking stuffers? Well, look no further! Check out one of my favorite online stores, the Muir Woods Trading Company.  The Trading Company allows you to share your love for the redwoods with simple, fun and unique mementos for friends and loved ones this holiday season. Your gift will not only show how much you care (and your sense of humor), but it will also support special places like Muir Woods National Monument. The Muir Woods Trading Company specializes in unique local crafts including home goods, fashionable accessories and more. The Trading Company also features an array of products made by American Indians.

Here are my top three redwood-themed stocking stuffers:

Chocolate Banana Slug:  Did you know that the Pacific Banana Slug is the second-largest species of terrestrial slug in the world, growing up to 9.8 inches long and weighing up to 4 ounces? Well, this chocolate banana slug looks like the real thing, but we are glad to say that it’s not! Thank goodness, right? You can choose from a milk or dark chocolate slug – my personal favorite is milk chocolate. Yum!

Redwood Burl Bath Soap: Redwoods and soap? Who knew! This gift is great for those individuals who are difficult to shop for because they seem to have everything. Well, I bet that they don’t have this, right? For just $7.99 they can smell like the fresh, fragrant redwood forest on a cool spring day. Now they truly have everything! And what a nicely-scented reminder for all year long. According to the Trading Company, this bath soap is extra mild. It is a long-lasting, vegetable glycerin soap infused with redwood essential oil, aloe, calendula, chamomile, lavender, vitamins, olive oil and jojoba and almond oil. No animal products were used to create this product nor was it tested on animals. It’s also made in the U.S.

Coast Redwood and Giant Sequoia Seed Germination Kits: This gift will inspire the arborist in you—or the kid in you, as you dig in the dirt! Did you know that the original 2 million acres of ancient coast redwood forest (the size of three Rhode Islands), approximately 95% has been logged? Your little seedling could one day be an ancient tree, too.

Got a great redwood-themed stocking stuffer idea that you want to share? Please let us know. We are always looking for great gift ideas that remind us of the redwoods.


About the author

Now the CEO of Mother's Milk Bank San Jose, Jennifer joined Save the Redwoods League in 2007 as the Director of Outreach and served for 15 years as the League's Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. A Bay Area native, Jennifer led marketing communications and outreach efforts to connect people to the peace and beauty of the redwood forests. Jennifer brought several years of journalism, marketing communications and media relations experience in the public and private sectors to her work, helping to grow the League into the organization that it is today.


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