Redwoods-friendly Holiday Shopping Ideas

Give the gift of redwood seedlings. Photo by Mark Bult
Give the gift of redwood seedlings. Photo by Mark Bult

Only 35 days until Christmas! There is always so much to do and buy at the holidays. Shouldn’t it be fun, and not overwhelming? This year, I’m trying to make things a little easier – and more forest-friendly! Here are a few suggestions to help with holiday shopping.

  • Buy a live Christmas tree. Many tree farms offer the option to buy a live potted tree rather than a cut one. After the holidays, plant the tree in your yard or donate it to a local organization like San Diego’s Adopt a Christmas Tree Foundation, which uses the trees to reforest areas damaged by wildfire.
  • Dedicate a redwood grove. This is a really special way to honor a loved one. When you dedicate a grove through a gift to Save the Redwoods League, you help to protect these magical places, and you can name your hand-picked grove after someone special. You may visit and select from the available groves in 19 redwood parks.
  • Plan a trip to the redwoods. When you exchange gifts you can surprise your family or friends with a photo of your destination or some new camping gear. The Save the Redwoods League website has lots of resources to get you going.
  • Have a redwood seedling planted in one of California’s redwood parks in honor of a friend or loved one – we’ll send a beautiful commemorative card to the honoree (just be sure to allow 10 days for delivery).
  • When it comes time to wrap your presents, use recycled paper or fabric; or make your own wrappings with newspaper, colorful shopping bags, even the pages of a book. You’ll be giving a gift to the forest as well!

Do you have any ideas on how to make the holiday season even merrier while keeping the redwoods in mind? I’d love to hear them!

Want to spend your holidays in the redwoods? Be sure to check out our Redwoods Finder interactive map for help planning your getaway.

About the author

Now the CEO of Mother's Milk Bank San Jose, Jennifer joined Save the Redwoods League in 2007 as the Director of Outreach and served for 15 years as the League's Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. A Bay Area native, Jennifer led marketing communications and outreach efforts to connect people to the peace and beauty of the redwood forests. Jennifer brought several years of journalism, marketing communications and media relations experience in the public and private sectors to her work, helping to grow the League into the organization that it is today.

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