How to Look Good in the Redwoods

Emily looking good for a camera crew at Montgomery Woods State Park.
Emily looking good for a camera crew at Montgomery Woods State Park.

So the other day a good friend of mine asked for some advice on how to look good in the redwoods. She was planning a trip with a diverse group of friends and family, and since she knew I spend a fair amount of time in the forest, I was the first person she called for advice. It was important for her to look good but not over the top!

Since I have shared the outdoors with a wide variety of people from press to staff to donors, I need to strike the balance between fun, functional outdoor-wear with business casual. Why should we even bother to look good in the forest? Well, as my former high school social studies teacher used to say, “How you dress influences how you act, so make sure you dress for success all the time.” Besides, you never know whom you might run into in the woods, so it’s best to be prepared!

Tip 1: Use good hair products such as gels, waxes or sprays. These items will keep your frizz in check or your straight hair straight in the damp, foggy redwood forest climate.

Tip 2: Go nuts with color. Many of us take a ton of photos to remember the moment, so do it right and in style with bright colors.

Tip 3: Sport those functional but fabulous shades. They will block the sun’s damaging rays while making you look good.

Tip 4 is for the ladies: Don’t forget the waterproof mascara and lip gloss. This simple and delicate touch will add a hint of glamour while you struggle to strut your stuff on the trail.

If you have a tip that you want to share, let me know!

About the author

Now the CEO of Mother's Milk Bank San Jose, Jennifer joined Save the Redwoods League in 2007 as the Director of Outreach and served for 15 years as the League's Chief Marketing and Communications Officer. A Bay Area native, Jennifer led marketing communications and outreach efforts to connect people to the peace and beauty of the redwood forests. Jennifer brought several years of journalism, marketing communications and media relations experience in the public and private sectors to her work, helping to grow the League into the organization that it is today.

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One Response to “How to Look Good in the Redwoods”

  1. Cindy Vitales

    My tip # 5 would be to wear confortable but fashionable sun glasses to protect your eyes.
    My tip # 6 pull your hair back into a ponytail or braid, or wear a hat to keep tangles to a minimum and to keep it out of your face.


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