
A large giant sequoia is surrounded by a wooden fence along a snowy path

Magical winter backpacking in Mariposa Grove


During every backpacking trip, I question my sanity. This is typical during miles 5 through 7 or on any uphill section. However, on my recent trip to Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias in Yosemite National Park, this questioning came a …

Three people stand at the base of a giant redwood

Escape crowds at these 6 enthralling, lesser-known redwood parks

on has long showcased more than 100 national, state, and local redwood parks in California as well as a few in Oregon. To help narrow your choices as summer approaches, consider these favorite, off-the-beaten-track parks as chosen by Save the …

Three people walking through a forest of giant redwoods on a trail lined with tall ferns.

7 awesome backpacking trips in the redwoods


Day hikes are one way to experience the awe of California’s coast redwood and giant sequoia forests, but there’s nothing like the immersive experience of backpacking in these places. Carrying everything you’ll need allows you to reach parts of the …

California State Parks Backpacking Adventures 2019: Ridges to Redwoods


Discover the wild around Santa Cruz, CA! Registration for California State Parks Backpacking Adventures opens Friday February 1, 2019 at 9am. Who better to lead you through our parks than California State Park professionals? Three backpacking trips are offered from …

California State Parks Backpacking Adventures 2019: A Trek through Time


Discover the wild around Santa Cruz, CA! Registration for California State Parks Backpacking Adventures opens Friday February 1, 2019 at 9am. Who better to lead you through our parks than California State Park professionals? Three backpacking trips are offered from …

California State Parks Backpacking Adventures 2019: Skyline to the Sea


Discover the wild around Santa Cruz, CA! Registration for California State Parks Backpacking Adventures opens Friday February 1, 2019 at 9am. Who better to lead you through our parks than California State Park professionals? Three backpacking trips are offered from …

Photo courtesy of California State Parks

If the Santa Cruz Mountains could speak….


Experience the Santa Cruz Mountains like you never have before with your own professional California State Parks backcountry naturalists. Hike through fields of wildflowers, gaze at sweeping vistas, sleep under tranquil ancient redwoods, drink teas sourced from native plants, and …

How My Family Backpacking Dream Came True (And Yours Can, Too)


I can think of no wilder adventure than spending a week exploring the Yosemite backcountry with three teenage boys. With my oldest son heading into his final year of high school, I decided to go all out this summer in search of a truly epic, life-changing, never-to-forget experience that my sons and I could share.

Enjoy the Ride


I recently drove to Yosemite for a backpacking trip among the giant sequoias near Mariposa. The four days we spent in the park were incredible, of course – so beautiful and restorative. But I expected that. What  surprised me was …