Clean Water and Safe Parks Act

Election Results: #YesOn68 Means Clean Water and Safe Parks for All!


With Prop 68 passed, Save the Redwoods League will be able to improve existing redwood parks and reserves, making them more accessible and more resilient to a changing climate. We will also be able to protect the redwood forest footprint from the threats of conversion, development, and wildfire.

Vote "Yes" on Prop 68. Photo by Paolo Vescia

Vote #YesOn68 and Tell a Friend


Save the Redwoods League supports Proposition 68, the Clean Water and Safe Parks Act, because this measure will provide the investments we need to help keep California’s redwoods resilient and accessible to everyone. Help spread the word and vote #YesOn68!

Show Your Support for Clean Water, Safe Parks


As a California voter, you can make a transformational investment in our redwood forests and parks, and our state’s water resources by voting “yes” on June 5 for Proposition 68, the Clean Water and Safe Parks Act of 2018. The act would provide sorely needed funding to improve parks with new trails and visitor amenities and help our redwood parks remain healthy as the climate changes and our population grows. See how you can take action today.

Photo by Max Forster

Help protect redwoods by voting ‘Yes’ on Prop 68 in June!


Save the Redwoods League is part of the statewide coalition working to pass the Clean Water and Safe Parks Act, or Proposition 68, which if approved by voters will bring critical investments to California’s redwood forests. You can help protect redwoods and enhance our beloved redwood parks by voting “Yes” on Prop 68 in June.

A man in a blue jacket stands on a hiking trail, gazing up at a lush canopy of redwoods

Join Our Advocacy Campaigns, Contact Your Lawmakers


Use your vote and voice to speak up for California’s iconic coast redwood and giant sequoia forests. Save the Redwoods League needs you to join our campaigns and stand for the redwoods: Learn the latest on three crucial funding sources and one bill that would protect our national monuments. And celebrate a conservation success in Oregon!