protect redwoods

Visitors in the 1920s stand among colossal giant sequoia in what is now Calaveras Big Trees State Park. Photographer unknown, circa 1920s, Save the Redwoods League photograph collection, BANC PIC 2006.030. The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley.

Celebrating 112 Years of the Antiquities Act


On June 8, 1906, exactly 112 years ago today, the 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, signed the Antiquities Act into law. It was this act that allowed the protection of places such as Muir Woods National Monument.

You helped us protect the Noyo River Redwoods. Photo by Julie Martin

The Fight to Save the Redwoods: Then and Now


Since 1918, Save the Redwoods League has been fighting to fund redwoods protection all the while the funding for land conservation in California has continued to change. More recently, between 2002 and 2006, the voters of California approved bond measures to …