
Top 3 Bay Area Redwood Parks You’ve Never Heard Of


It’s almost summertime, which means it’s time to get outside and see the redwoods! One of the best things about living in the Bay Area is easy access to redwood forests. But Muir Woods and other renowned protected spaces are …

Neal Youngblood - Geologist at Redwood National Park.

Neal Youngblood: Restoring Landscapes One Road at a Time


If anything is lacking in Neal Youngblood’s life, it isn’t a professional challenge. As a geologist for Redwood National Park, Youngblood supervises logging road retirement. In terms of restoration of the region’s essential natural systems, there is no job that …

In 1972, President Nixon signed into law "An Act to Establish the Golden Gate National Recreation Area," which now includes Muir Woods. Photo by Stephen Kennedy, Flickr Creative Commons

Losing Ground: Are America’s Public Lands at Risk?


America’s public lands are a treasured shared value.  Treasured, it would appear, by all but the U.S. Senate responsible for safeguarding them. Regardless of where we live in this country, of our social status, financial means, or political perspective, our …

Robert Earle's 'Sunset Through The Redwoods', honorable mention in the 2013 Know Wonder Photo Contest.

Best Redwoods Moments of 2014


Happy New Year, friends! I love this time of year, because the holidays mean time outside with friends and family. No matter where our lives may take us, my family is connected by the special places of our past, and …

Turkeys in the Redwoods


As we sit back and relax on the day after Thanksgiving, our bellies still full from our decadent meals the day before, I’m thinking about turkeys, redwoods, and what the Native Americans might have eaten years before us at this …

Thanksgiving Greetings and Post-Turkey Hike Ideas


Happy Thanksgiving, friends of Save the Redwoods League! I’ll keep this brief because I know you have important things to attend to today — like turkey, pie, quality time with loved ones, and of course, pie. But there is no …

No matter what your age, spending time among the redwoods can be a rewarding experience. Photo by Paolo Vescia

Enjoying the Redwoods at Every Age


Through this blog I often write about my experiences with youths in the redwoods. I love seeing the expressions on kids’ faces when they see a banana slug, find a tiny redwood cone, or see a tall redwood tree for …

Brad Pitt and the Redwoods, Seriously?!


I nearly fell out of my chair when I came across a feature article about Brad Pitt doing a shoot in Humboldt Redwoods State Park for Details Magazine. My first thought was, “Okay, why wasn’t I invited?” And second, “Who …

77% of Birds and Climate Change Studies Use Community Science


This study speaks to the incredible need to continue community science projects because they are critical to learning about the planet in a rapidly changing environment, and the volunteer contributions are significantly pushing the research field ahead.

Montgomery Woods

Illegal Marijuana Farms Threaten Redwoods


With recreational marijuana legal in Colorado and Washington and medicinal marijuana available in 23 states and the District of Columbia, marijuana is here to stay. And, more of the marijuana on the U.S. market comes from California than any other …

Many new redwoods grow in areas with old-growth cutting. Photo by Joanne and Doug Schwartz

A Strange and Wonderful Mystery Forest


Guest bloggers Doug and Joanne Schwartz – League members and dedicated volunteers – are serving this summer as our Redwood Explorers-in-Residence, exploring the northern parks, and ground-truthing and mapping the groves of ancient forest they find. Along the way, they’re …

This redwood grove on a League-owned Napa County property will get protection from extra-intense wildfires.

Fierce Fires Pose Threats to Forests, Water


It’s fire season again. Last week, the local news reported on a 2,500-acre fire in Napa County, just east of the redwood range and Save the Redwoods League’s property near Bothe-Napa State Park. As I’ve mentioned before in previous blogs, …

The outdoor experiences we have as kids can help us be happier and healthier for our whole lives. Photo by rocket ship, Flickr Creative Commons.

Kids & Nature: Turning Around a Worrisome Trend


Many of us who love nature have clear memories of meaningful outdoor experiences as children. At the Save the Redwoods League office, if you ask the staff why they chose careers in conservation, you’ll hear story after story about summers …

Sam and his family in the redwoods.

3 Ingredients For the Best Father’s Day Ever


I’ve been a father for sixteen years. While I will always feel like I’m still learning the ropes, I have loved every minute of it. In the early years every day felt like Father’s Day, with the grand welcome when …

Celebrating National Trails Day


I talk a lot about the importance of parks and wild places, the beautiful scenery and interesting wildlife they contain, but this week I’m putting the spotlight on one of my favorite features of our open spaces: trails. My appreciation …

On June 3, 2014, voters can vote “Yes” on Measure AA.

Help Preserve Open Space and Old-Growth Redwoods: Vote Yes on Measure AA


On June 3, 2014, voters can vote “Yes” on Measure AA, a bond measure for the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (Midpen) that will provide funding to ensure our environment is protected for future generations. Measure AA will protect old-growth …