San Francisco Botanical Garden

A path runs from the foreground to the background through a redwood grove

4 peaceful redwood groves in San Francisco


San Francisco lies within the coast redwood range, home to more than 100 redwood parks. In some of these parks live Earth’s tallest and among the oldest trees. If you’re visiting San Francisco and you don’t have time to travel to a redwood park, Golden Gate Park offers shady, peaceful groves. Although the following groves were planted and don’t contain the ancient giants of some redwood parks, these places are a great alternative to experience the look and feel of their wild counterparts outside city limits.

Redwoods Walk at SFBG


Visit San Francisco Botanical Garden and experience the magic of redwoods in the middle of the city! Garden docents will lead visitors through the redwood grove and introduce you some of the companion plants that compose a redwood forest.

Transamerica Redwood Park in San Francisco. Photo by TheWestEnd, Flickr Creative Commons

Places to See the Redwoods in San Francisco


Fortunately, there are pockets in The City (as Bay Area residents know and love it) where locals and visitors can experience the redwoods, both virtually and tangibly. No need to even hop on any freeways or cross any bridges. ETA: less than an hour.

Watch: Songs of the Sequoias


From July 7 – 18, 2016, in the San Francisco Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park, Sunset Pianos planted twelve pianos as part of the “Flower Piano” series. Hundreds of musicians took their cues from San Francisco’s original giants at the piano nestled into the amphitheater of the redwood grove.