
A man in a state parks uniform leads a group of young people in a dance

Which California State Parks Week activity will you choose?


Will you hike through the redwood forest by starlight? Try out Qi Gong or forest bathing? Participate in a beach cleanup or a bioblitz? Whatever you fancy, there’s a fun way to participate in the third annual California State Parks …

Hendy Woods State Park is a state park of California, USA, located in the Anderson Valley of Mendocino County, known for its old-growth coast redwoods.

12 ways to make the most of summer in the redwoods


Summer is nearly here, with its long, golden days beckoning us outdoors for warm-weather adventures. Don’t let fall sneak up on you without making the most of this sunshiny season! Here are 12 ways to make the most of summertime in the redwoods.

A wide visitors trail in Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Photo by Peter C. Buranzon.

Tips for summer travel to the redwoods


Every summer, millions of people from around the world descend on California’s redwood country, the central and northern coast redwood forests, as well as the giant sequoia groves in the Sierra. But with the continuing COVID-19 crisis, summer 2020 is shaping up to be a travel season like no other before it.

When We Can’t See the Trees for the Forest


Guest bloggers Doug and Joanne Schwartz – League members and dedicated volunteers – are serving this summer as our Redwood Explorers-in-Residence, exploring the northern parks, and ground-truthing and mapping the groves of ancient forest they find. Along the way, they’re documenting the many …

Summer Reading in the Redwoods


I’m preparing for a backpacking trip in Yosemite next weekend. It will be my first visit to the park, and it includes homework! I’m going with a friend who suggested that we both read John Muir’s My First Summer in …

This lovely picnic spot in Butano State Park beckons.

It’s Picnic Season! Ready for a Delicious Day in the Redwoods?


There are a lot of health benefits to a day in the redwoods – exercise and stress reduction are just a couple. Nice weather is good motivation to get active in nature and kick-start the healthy habits that went into …